5 Reasons You Break Your New Year’s Resolution


Guess what, we’re already 2 months into the new year and you’re lucky enough to still stuck by the resolution you made on the 1st Jan. Well I may just give you ways on how to break them? Want to give them a try?

1. Blame Your Circumstances

My girlfriend keeps too much junk food at home!” OR “My Mom makes such yummy food that I can’t resist it!” Hey, the people around you didn’t ask you to make your resolutions you made them on your own! No reason should stop you from achieving what you need! When you blame the environment, you are a prisoner of those “things” and will be until those “things” change.

2. Going Too Hard Too Soon

Do you really think you’ll be able to dedicate 4 hours daily to your workouts? It might seem like not challenging yourself, but if you truly want to achieve a resolution, set one that’s easy to tackle from day one, say half an hour of workout daily will make your more productive! And you could always add another 30 minutes to it if you feel like. Success is more achievable when you can scale up to a more difficult resolution and you’ll get the much-needed boost of self-esteem.

3. Listen to That Negative Inner Voice

Hey, you can have that ice-cream, only one won’t affect you!” We all have that little voice inside our head that makes us break resolutions. That Ice-cream may just give you the craving of having another and then your diet’s gone down your belly!

4. New Year… New You!

New Year... New You!” is just a myth! It’s the same you but with hell lot of positive energy and also a hell lot of anxiety of meeting your resolutions! Be the old you, but with a high level of motivation to do something new! People who lose their “motivation”, try to wait for it to come back, but mind you often it never does.

5. Letting Resolutions Govern You

Don’t be too focused on achieving your resolutions that you lose sight on better opportunities, don’t let your resolutions govern you! This will make the changing process less enjoyable and more of a routine. Remember, tweaking or even discontinuing a resolution if we see an even better direction to head in isn’t wrong. Resolutions are meant to inspire us, make us feel more alive!

Let’s face it... Resolutions are actually meant to be broken… Happiness is something that needs to be constant.

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