It’s Not My Resolution- My Not to Do List... :P


Well, A Happy New Year before I start... 

The year 2016 is here, and at this time of the year everyone may be busy making resolutions to follow for the year. But will we stick to it? I never stick to my List.. Thats something I love about myself! Yes I love it... 

It gives me pride in presenting you the thing I don't want to do this year.. Or as I mentioned in the title... 'My Not-To-Do List'

Why make a Not-To-Do list?

According to Huffington Post, Creating a Not To-Do List Leads to Innovation!

By being conscious of what to avoid, it’ll automatically channel our energy into things that we want to do. Doing both hand in hand will maximize our performance.

If you want to take your productivity to the next level, try creating a Not-To-Do list...

Here's what I'm not gonna do this year, or at least not to it today!

#1 Trying to do everything

For me, making a not-to-do list helps clear up my RAM... Being inclined to technology, I'll explain it in a technical way, and maybe it may give you can idea! Basically the processing power of the computer is the RAM. It’s not the memory which is usually what it’s mistaken for.

SO in Short, your Brain is your RAM

So for me, I have a bad habit of where I try to do too much stuff at once but I have definitely discovered my limits lately. And I have come to the conclusion that you can only have so many thoughts in your head at once that you can exert even focus on. You need to sacrifice some thoughts/ideas/concerns to stay focused on the singular goal you’re trying to accomplish.

#2 Do not check my mobile constantly

Yes, this one seems weird but I have a bad habit of constantly checking my smartphone each time my phone beeps! There are chances those may just be mails from some shopping site for their promotional stuff, but I can't stop myself from checking them out!

Honestly, I'm a person who checks out mails more than girls!

SO, I'm gonna allot myself a set time for checking out the mails and notifications!

#3 Trying to please everyone

Colin Powell had rightly quoted, "Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity". I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be able to control what others think, so I won’t spend too much time sweating over it.

Instead, I'll try and work on the things I have control over – me, my emotions, my thoughts and my actions. I will spend my energy in creating masterpieces, and on people who do deserve my attention and love. I'll try it for a week and find out how rewarding it is this way. And if I succeed then maybe I may attain something from my list.

How about you?

What's your no-no's this year? I am curious what you are going to stop doing in 2016? I'll be happy to hear them!

It’s hard to focus on getting things done, but it’s only possible once we try and remove the distraction factor. If you have trouble deciding what to do, just focus on not doing. Different means, same end.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
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